Pan Chimzee
Musician & Composer
Artist Name
Pan Chimzee
(+49) 0176 3293 8855
Brand Endorsements
Elite Acoustics
- Berlin Acoustic Guitar Night
(co-founder, host & organizer)
- Epson Trume Watch Television Commercial
(composer & recording artist)
- house musician at nhow Hotel Berlin 2019
(weekly concerts)
- 100 guitares sur un bateau ivre
(performing artist)
Memorable Past Gigs
IGA Berlin - popdeurope festival
Urban Futures Kongress
Bunter Hering Festival
Gorilla Gallery Berlin
Musikmesse Frankfurt
Ferrara Buskers Festival
STRAMU Würzburg
Straßenmusikfestival Ludwigsburg
Pflasterspektakel Linz
Buskers Braunschweig
Buskers Pilsen
Festival Fantastika
Schwarzkopf Berlin
Allianz SE
ISRA Vision AG
East Side Music Days
Buskers Chur
Deutscher Bundestag
Handwerkskammer Frankfurt (Oder)
Holy Grail Guitar Show
Chapeau! Festival
Political Campaign Festival
DEU (503)
Die freudenreiche Schöpfung von Musik ohne Regeln und Grenzen ist der Kern der Kompositionen von Pan Chimzee. Innerhalb der letzten zehn Jahre hat der in Berlin beheimatete Musiker sich das Spielen selbst beigebracht, und sich so auf den Straßen und Bühnen Europas seinen einzigartigen Stil und Sound geschmiedet. Mit der Fusion aus simultan gespielten Melodien, ausdrucksstarken Grooves und treibender Perkussion kreiert Pan mit nur einer Akustikgitarre eine Welt des Klangs, die sowohl beim Zusehen als auch beim Zuhören verzaubert.
DEU (1221)
Angefangen hat die Reise nahe den Alpen Bayerns. Dort hat sich der nun in Berlin beheimatete Pan Chimzee das Gitarrenspiel selbst beigebracht. Autodidaktisches Lernen brachte die Neugierde und den abenteuerlichen Aspekt zur Musik mit sich, welche den Gitarristen die nächsten Jahre immer begleiten sollten. Die freudenreiche Schöpfung von Musik ohne jeglicher Regeln und Grenzen ist der Kern seiner Kompositionen. In den folgenden Jahren hat er sich so auf den Straßen und Bühnen Europas seinen einzigartigen Stil und Sound geschmiedet. Mit der Fusion aus simultan gespielten Melodien, ausdrucksstarken Grooves und treibender Perkussion kreiert Pan mit nur einer Akustikgitarre eine Welt des Klangs, die sowohl beim Zusehen als auch beim Zuhören verzaubert.
2015 veröffentlichte er seine erste EP 'Peace of Mind' und rief die Berlin Acoustic Guitar Night ins Leben. Nach zahlreichen Festivals und Straßenmusiktouren erschien im darauf folgenden Jahr seine Record Collection 'Busking Stories', welche er in kompletter Eigenregie gefertigt und über 2.000 mal verkauft hat. Im Jahre 2019 veröffentlichte Pan sein Debut-Album 'Fragments' und arbeitet derzeit an seinem zweiten Album.
ENG (573)
The joyful art of creation is the core of Pan Chimzee's music, that there is no rules and no boundaries. Being an autodidact and not coming from a musical background has made the journey through the world of music an adventurous but rewarding one and has enabled the Berlin based percussive fingerstyle and laptap guitarist to forge his very unique sound in the modern world of acoustic guitar. By merging several layers of melodies, an expressive groove and driving percussion simultaneously, his compositions create a soundscape that is auditory and visually captivating.
ENG (1096)
Starting his musical journey next to the mountains down in Bavaria, the laptapping and fingerstyle guitarist Pan Chimzee has been his own teacher in the world of music for the last decade. Never having had lessons or any musical background, the journey of playing and composing has been a very adventurous and rewarding one and has enabled the Berlin based artist to forge a very unique sound and style of composing.
By merging several layers of melodies, an expressive groove and driving percussion simultaneously, his compositions create a soundscape that is auditory and visually captivating.
The joyful art of creation is the core of his music, that there is no rules and no boundaries. Touring and playing concerts on Europe's streets and stages, has made his live performances become more and more improvised and playful, so to create a new soundscape to explore and dive into every time. His compositions follow a basic idea and direction but are totally free in their delivery and structure, leading to a more organic experience of live performing for both: The artist and the audience.
ENG (1516)
Starting his musical journey next to the mountains down in Bavaria, the laptapping and fingerstyle guitarist Pan Chimzee has been his own teacher in the world of music for the last decade. Never having had lessons or any musical background, the journey of playing and composing has been a very adventurous and rewarding one and has enabled the Berlin based artist to forge a very unique sound and style of composing.
By combining fingerstyle and laptapping techniques and merging several layers of melodies, an expressive groove and driving percussion simultaneously, his compositions create a soundscape that is auditory and visually captivating.
His focus thoroughly remains on delivering a musical composition, rather than playing guitar. The joyful art of creation is the core of his music, that there is no rules and no boundaries. Touring and playing concerts on Europe's streets and stages has made his live performances become more and more improvised and playful, so to create a new soundscape to explore and dive into every time. While his compositions follow a basic idea and direction, their delivery and structure is totally free, leading to a more organic experience of live performing for both: The audience and the artist.
His playing is inspired by the guitarists Michael Hedges, Erik Mongrain, Antoine Dufour and also by composers such as Philipp Glass, Moondog and Steve Reich. Pan Chimzee is the co-founder of the Berlin Acoustic Guitar Night and holds an endorsement deal with Elite Acoustics and Hyperactive.